Valle Suave
Parson Russel Terriers & Dwergteckels ruwhaar
© ValleSuave
If you are interested in one of my puppies from Valle
Suave Parson Russell Terrier or Valle Suave Miniature
Dachshund, wire-haired, please click on the envelope you
can find on each page to email or give me a call!
I only reserve puppies by appointment and with a deposit,
unfortunately people just cancel at the last minute or make
an appointment and simply do not come.
Since I care a lot about my dogs and also the puppies I
breed, I prefer to ask the puppy buyers to give it their all,
trying to ensure that the puppies get a good home and to
prevent the puppy buyers from making the wrong choice.
My method:
Those interested in the puppies who register with me will be
invited to meet me and the older dogs and puppies in case
of further interest, from the moment the puppies are 4
weeks old. Taking preferences and life situation into account
as much as possible.I reserve the right to make a choice
from the nest first, if necessary to continue my hobby and
passion. When the puppies are 6 weeks old, they go to the
vet for their vaccinations, chip and DNA, after they are being
declared healthy by the vet, definitive agreements are made
with the puppy buyers.
Before you want to buy a Parson Russell Terrier, ask
yourself the following:
Why do I want to buy a Parson Russell Terrier? Have you
thought carefully why you want to buy a Parson Russell
Terrier? Have you studied the general character traits
associated with the breed? We hope your reasons go beyond
"they are such cuties!". Also remember that if you have a
family, this decision must be supported by the whole family!
Do I have enough time for a puppy and can I care for
the dog for life?Realize that a Parson Russell Terrier can
get quite old and so you will have to take care of the dog for
that long. Raising a puppy takes more time than you think.
You will have to feed them and potty train them. If you are
away from home every day for a long time, it will take
Are my children responsible enough to handle a dog?
Parson Russell Terriers love children and get along very well
with well-behaved children. If children poke the dog in the
eyes, pull the tail or otherwise tease it, the dog will defend
itself against this unfair treatment. The dog may react with
a growl or even give out a 'bite'. This cannot be directly
labeled as aggressive behavior. The dog just says: 'I don't
like this!'. You should never leave children and dogs
unattended in the same room.
Do you understand the Parson Russell Terrier's
temperament? The Parson Russell Terrier was bred to hunt
foxes and vermin and are still true hunters. You can find a
lot about the breed on this website. You can also search
further on the internet and read books!
If you've asked yourself the questions above, looked up
information about the breed and are still interested in
buying a puppy, please contact me!
Pop-uplaag 1
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nostrud non labore officia.
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labore deserunt non ut deserunt. Enim sunt laboris,
ipsum dolore eu non magna ad eu. Sunt cupidatat
nostrud exercitation aliquip incididunt consequat,
qui, fugiat elit magna mollit id aliquip sunt lorem
minim dolor.
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consectetur. Ullamco sunt in, minim anim veniam
labore ipsum occaecat, sed irure dolor. Voluptate
sed enim mollit commodo ut. Adipisicing dolor esse
Pop-uplaag 2
Id in non sed sint. Cillum mollit dolore occaecat.
Aute eiusmod est magna incididunt nostrud in,
dolor, aliquip, sit aute voluptate do eiusmod, aliqua
ut occaecat. Non aliquip duis nostrud id, aliquip
nostrud. Tempor eiusmod tempor nulla minim
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duis ex. Labore veniam elit irure duis et excepteur
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lorem in.
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esse id est dolor enim est velit minim duis ut duis
Pop-uplaag 3
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deserunt. Dolore consequat amet. Reprehenderit,
voluptate, qui et ipsum est nostrud. Mollit
exercitation excepteur officia duis in: Cupidatat eu
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dolor sit. Commodo nisi magna enim ad dolore
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ea mollit sed magna quis nisi et officia. Magna
consequat fugiat in fugiat! Elit occaecat amet eu ut
non, deserunt sed.
Pop-uplaag 4
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lorem nulla et. Aliqua do proident in nostrud, officia
excepteur in deserunt magna aliqua ullamco dolore
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consequat aliqua irure. Labore tempor exercitation
nisi aute et veniam qui elit mollit eiusmod amet
laboris mollit laboris: Elit magna consectetur
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exercitation nulla aliqua, minim id ut dolore ut, in
magna. Dolor nulla occaecat consectetur nulla esse
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consequat, ut fugiat incididunt cillum excepteur ut
cillum non sint officia, ut nulla.